Headlines: Panetta Warns of Cyber Pearl Harbor and Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor

NOTE: Please see my previous posts: Cyber Attack on US Banks is an Obvious False Flag!!!  and VIRTUAL 9-11: Will Israel Hack The US Banking System Computers and Falsely Blame It On Iran?

Panetta Warns of Cyber Pearl Harbor

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta made his first major speech about U.S. cyber-war policy to a business roundtable group this week. He invoked 9/11 and Pearl Harbor in warning of the danger of a cyber-attack on the U.S:

[He] spoke in … stark language about potential military responses to cyber-attacks that threaten national security.

The United States is now in a “pre-9/11 moment,” Panetta said, at risk of crippling online attacks against public utilities, trains, or chemical factories…. [Such] attacks … could spark the “cyber Pearl Harbor” that the defense secretary has often referred to.

“An aggressor nation or extremist group could use these kinds of cyber tools to … derail passenger trains, or even more dangerous, trains loaded with lethal chemicals,” he said. “They could contaminate the water supply in major cities, or shut down the power grid across large parts of the country.”

The most damaging attacks could combine a multi-pronged attack: knocking civil and military computer systems offline, with a physical attack on the country.

Learn to laugh more here: Laughter is the best medicine after all!
Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor

For nearly 50 years, the world has believed President Franklin D. Roosevelt's declaration that the Pearl Harbor attack was a completely unexpected assault on a neutral nation. Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor tells another, hidden story - using actual recording of intercepted diplomatic communications, declassified government documents, archival footage and interviews with diplomats and spies from around the world. We now know that intelligence operatives from the US and three Allied nations monitored the Japanese fleet's progress on its deadly mission to Oahu in late 1941. Yet neither Admiral Kimmel nor General Short received a word of warning that might have allowed them to avert the sacrifice of 4,000 American casualties in less than 90 minutes.

Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor  

Learn more: Round and Round  and Sign of the Times (The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline!) 

SYNOPSIS: 3rd World Peeps of A. 3 cents…

Conditioning of the masses prior to executing the False Flag agenda! The never ending game of deception!

As long as there are American Robot’s who are still accepting the lies of the Two-Party Plutocracy, they will never stop using their accomplished masterpiece work (e.g. 9/11 and Pearl Harbor). Albeit most of the people are awake now and would just laugh on their rotten excuses while singing the song “We Won’t Get Foooled Again.”

It ain’t going to work anymore… #StayVigilant

We are the MEDIA! Stop the Boiling Frog Syndrome!

Nobody OWNS your Mind but YOU! #TwoPartyConJob

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon? #BarittObamney

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.” #TPD #TPP

Boycott the Presidential Election! Then VOTE the Self-Interest Politicians OUT in Congress! #Agenda21 Law of Sea Treaty > #LOST

Because the Game is Rigged then it needs an Illegitimate result!

Tomorrow is the End of Today! #DUMB

Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty